Posted by : Kyo
He has continued the toilet paper topic that Shindy has started last Saturday, talking about single paper version (story about recycled milk carton or something...). He took the opportunity to show his toilet paper distributor, called ten ten-kun, and said that he did not thought he could speak about toilet paper in his blog one day.
He was happy to be able to broadcast on nico nico again after the DVDs distribution. He has talked about a Gundam figure, that was hard to build. Seems that he has also downloaded the smartphone app which changes your photos into a manga, showing his test on the mobile site's blog.
Today, he went to the office for the rehearsal of tomorrow's live event. He has tweeted, in English please ("meeting now"), with a photo from the meeting. After the rehearsal he went to the beauty salon to have an haircut and it seems that he has met an ex classmate there.
On his way home, he has stopped in a restaurant and tweeted a photo of what he ate.
Today, he has updated his blog, talking about the rehearsal. He said that tomorrow's live will be the first one since about a month now. He thinks that he will not sleep a lot because of the adrenaline. Seems that he has lost some of his attention and forgot to take his drumsticks with him to the rehearsal, so he went to the music shop to buy a pair in a hurry. He finished by saying he is looking forward to see the fans at the live.
He has talked also about the rehearsal of today and took a picture of Masatoshi while he was overlooking the tropical fish in the office.
He said that it seems he became allergic to the bleaching agent, so he will talk with the hairdresser tomorrow...
He has updated his blog to talk about the rehearsal, saying that they worked hard. He said also that yesterday, he had a bike accident because he's been distracted by a dog which came closer to him and he fell on a bush... he felt ashamed. He showed the lip balm he uses, this is a French brand one.
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