Posted by : Unknown
Part: Drums
Birthday: 26/2
Born and raised : Sumida River
Astrological sign: Pisces
Height : 171cm
Weight : 65 kg
Blood type: O
Cigarettes: KENT One Menthol
Hobbies: Travelling alone
Blog: ( deleted)
Twitter: (private)
More informations :
Strong point : Serious, lively
Weak point : Break things easily
Likes : natto, ramen, sake, spicy food
Favortite songs by Anli : 'Labyrinth', 'Obsession'
Shindy into forming a band, Kiyozumi is the secret founder of Anli Pollicino.
Onstage he seems to have nerves of steel, but he admitted that he often can’t
sleep the night before a live. Never missing a beat, his personality is shining
onstage when he is energetically playing the drums and making sure everyone is
having a good time. As a typical drummer he is surrounded by a cool aura, but
actually he is responsible for the cheerfulness among the members and often
makes them laugh with his death voice and imitations, for instance the famous
Kiyo-Mama episodes. Even though his taste in food seems to be rather dubious,
he is a very good cook and is often praised by the other members. He loves
extremely spicy food, but usually keeps it low when cooking for his friends. Regarding
the other members Kiyo is the right person to talk to when there are problems –
his contagious calmness reassures whoever needs his assistance. He often drives
the van to all the different live house locations across Japan. He was said to
be a rather fast but safe driver, but lately he seems to have cooled down as
the others are not complaining about him anymore. However, although he is such
an all-rounder, even he has got a weak spot: he is afraid of dogs.
Profile written by Cali